BOD Incubator

BOD Incubators to test environment pharma industry

“Cleanliness is next to Godliness”. This sentence is treated as a top priority in the Pharma Industry Domain. USFDA is very strict when it comes to laws of cleanliness. It accesses data that specifies the contamination level of the room where the production practise takes place.

Pharma Companies have to expose the raw materials (Petri Dishes) to the atmosphere in which production takes place for 4 Hours. These plates are then kept in BOD incubators for 24 hours and check if the materials support Fungal or Bacterial growth. If the growth is beyond permissible levels, The USFDA Audit cell and the Production Team gets the power to suspend production.

BOD Incubators create the environment within the chamber to help in incubation of the bacteria or Fungal growth. Newtronic BOD Incubators are designed as per the requirements of USFDA and is one of the most trusted Brands.