Conference On Global Stability Studies

The need for stability Chambers

Human Beings rely a lot on medicines right from birth. Polio drops, vaccines, wound treatments, eye drops, medicines for the aged. For different stages of life, there are different medicines. These medicines are produced using chemical analysis, biotechnology, microbiology cultural growths etc. The medicines are nothing but drops of life. If not produced correctly, it can be devastating for the one consuming it leading to his death. Looking into these aspects different kinds of stability studies were brought into place. Pharma compliance bodies were set up. The likes of ICH, USFDA were established. These Pharma Compliance Bodies have set up standards for the manufacturers to follow. It is ensured that Pharma Manufacturers cannot market or sell their products to the market unless these compliance bodies do not provide them with the license to do so.

Before issuing them a license, Pharma bodies check the QA analysis of the medicine produced. They check the chemical composition, they check the uniformity of the medicine, they check the behavior of the medicine in different climatic conditions. The Pharma Manufacturers are required to check the behavior of their product by making it go through different quality analysis stages. One of that stage is “STABILITY”. Stability of the product in different Environment. The different environmental conditions like Humidity, Temperature, UV exposure are artificially produced inside a stability Chamber.

The Environment (Stability) Chambers made by Newtronic are as per the ICH, USFDA and other pharma compliance guidelines that help you in testing your products as per the guidelines and lead you in achieving your goals.

The product range consist of:

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